Edit Location Dialog Box


Field Description

Enter the street address or other address information for the company's primary location.

Click + Add Address Line below the field if you need an additional address field.

CITY Enter the city for the contact's other address.

Select the state or province for the contact's other address.

Type one or more characters from the state or province to select from a list of states or provinces that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of states or provinces.

If the drop-down list is empty, make sure the correct country is selected in COUNTRY. If it is, then no states or provinces have been defined for the country.

ZIP Enter the ZIP code or other postal code for the contact's other address.

Select the country for the contact's other address.

Type one or more characters from the country to select from a list of countries that contain those characters. Click to select from the full list of countries.

PHONE Enter the contact's work phone number.
DISPLAY NAME By default, the address is identified in iAccess as <city>, <state/province>. If you want to use a different name for the address (for example, Corp. Headquarters), enter that name.