Contact Export

Use the Contact Export report to download contact data to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file or other file format.


Column Description
Full Name This column displays the contact's full name: Prefix, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix.
Title This column displays the contact's title (for example, Director, Project Manager, or CEO).
Type This column displays the contact type: Customer or Subcontractor.
Status This column displays the contact's current status: Active or Inactive.
Source This column displays the source of the contact (for example, specific conferences, trade shows, or the names of referring clients).
Other Phone This column displays the contact's business telephone number.
Other Fax This column displays the contact's business fax number.
Prefix This column displays the contact's salutation (for example, Mr., Mrs., or Dr.).
First Name This column displays the contact's first name.
Middle Name This column displays the contact's middle name or initial.
Last Name This column displays the contact's last name.
Suffix This column displays the suffix from the contact's name (for example, Jr., Sr., Esq.).
Preferred Name This column displays the name by which the contact prefers to be addressed.
Client Name If the contact is a client, this column displays the client name.
Client Status If the contact is a client, this column displays the current status of your relationship with the client: Active, Dormant, or Inactive.
Client Relationship If the contact is a client, this column displays your relationship with the client (for example, Consultant, Prospective, or Existing).
Subcontractor Name If the contact is a subcontractor, this column displays the subcontractor name.
Email This column displays the contact's email address.
Is Mailing Address This column indicates if the address is the contact's mailing address.

If the column contains Y (Yes), the address is the contact's other address or home address.

If the column contains N (No), the address is one of the following:

  • If the contact is not associated with a client or subcontractor, the address is the contact's other address or home address.
  • If the contact is a client contact, the address is the client's address.
  • If the contact is a vendor contact, the address is the vendor address.
Mail Address 1 - 4 This column displays the contact's address (street name and number, suite number, P.O. Box number).
Mail City This column displays the city from the contact's address.
Mail State This column displays the state from the contact's address.
Mail ZIP This column displays the ZIP code from the contact's address.
Mail Country This column displays the country from the contact's address.
Concatenated Address This column displays the contact's other or home street address, city, state, and ZIP code. The report shows this information in a single column.
Other Address 1 - 4 This column displays the contact's other or home address (street name and number, suite number, P.O. box number, and so on).
Other City This column displays the city from the contact's other address or home address.
Other State This column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the contact's other address or home address.
Other Zip This column displays the ZIP code from the contact's other address or home address.
Other Country This column displays the country from the contact's other address or home address.
Pager This column displays the contact's pager number.
Cell Phone This column displays the contact's cellular phone number.
Home Phone This column displays the contact's home telephone number.
Client Address Desc If the contact is a client, this column displays the description of the client's address (for example, Company Headquarters, Main Office, or Northeast Office).
Concatenated Client Address If the contact is a client, this column displays the client's street address, city, state, and ZIP code. The report shows this information in a single column.
Client Address 1 - 4 If the contact is a client, this column displays the client's address information.

Client Address 1displays the client's name.

Client Address 2, Client Address 3, and Client Address 4 display the client's address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on).

Client City If the contact is a client, this column displays the city from the client's address.
Client State If the contact is a client, this column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the client's address.
Client Zip If the contact is a client, this column displays the ZIP code from the client's address.
Client Country If the contact is a client, this column displays the country from the client's address.
Client Phone If the contact is a client, this column displays the client's telephone number.
Client Fax If the contact is a client, this column displays the client's fax number.
Client Website If the contact is a client, this column displays the client's website address (for example,
Vendor Address Desc If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the description of the vendor's address (for example, Company Headquarters, Main Office, or Northeast Office).
Concatenated Vendor Address If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the vendor's street address, city, state, and ZIP code. The report shows this information in a single column.
Vendor Address 1 - 4 If the contact is a vendor, these columns display the vendor's address information (street name and number, suite number, postal box number, and so on).
Vendor/Partnre City If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the city from the vendor's address.
Vendor State If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the two-character abbreviation for the state from the vendor's address.
Vendor Zip If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the ZIP code from the vendor's address.
Vendor Country If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the country from the vendor's address.
Vendor Phone If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the vendor's telephone number.
Vendor Fax If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the vendor's fax number.
Vendor Website If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the vendor's website address (for example,
Create User This column displays the user ID of the person who created the contact record in the Contact Info Center.
Create Date This column displays the date on which the contact record was created.
Modify User This column displays the user ID of the person who most recently modified the contact record.
Modify Date This column displays the date on which the contact record was most recently modified.
Contact Notes This column displays the text entered in the Notes field on the General tab of the Contact Info Center.
Client Memo If the contact is a client, this column displays the text entered in the Notes field on the General tab of the Client Info Center for the client.
Vendor Specialty Desc If the contact is a vendor, this column displays the description of the vendor's business specialty, or any other information related to the vendor, as specified on the vendor record.