Opportunity Summary Columns Tab

Use the Columns tab to select the columns to display on the Opportunity Summary report, change column sequence, provide new column labels, set column widths, or select number and date formats.

This report can contain two types of sections:

  • Default sections — You select the default sections in Report Sections to Include on the General tab. Each default section contains a pre-defined set of columns. You do not select the columns for the default sections. The table below provides descriptions of the columns in the default sections.
  • User-defined sections — If you set up user-defined sections for this report, use the Columns tab to select the columns for each of those sections and specify column attributes. The columns available for user-defined columns are the same as those available for the Opportunity List. Refer to the help topics for the Opportunity List for descriptions of the columns that you can select for user-defined columns.

You can include both default sections and user-defined sections on the same report.


The following are the columns listed in the Column Name field in the grid on the Columns tab that you can add to the Opportunity Summary report.

Field Description
Name This column displays the name of the opportunity.
Number This column displays the opportunity identifier.
Description This column displays the description of the opportunity.
Project If you created a project record from the opportunity record, this column displays the project number and name.
Promotional Project If you created a promotional project record from the opportunity record to track and bill charges for proposal generation, this column displays the promotional project number and name.
Client This column displays the name of the primary client associated with the opportunity.
Organization If you use organizations in Ajera CRM, this column displays the identifier for the organization that is responsible for pursuing the opportunity.
Est. Revenue This column displays the estimated revenue you expect to earn from the opportunity.
Probability This column displays the probability that the opportunity will become a project. For example, if that probability is 80%, this column displays 80.
Weighted Revenue This column displays the weighted revenue for the opportunity: estimated revenue x probability / 100.
Est. Start Date This column displays the date you expect to begin work if you are awarded the contract.
Est. Completion Date This column displays the date you expect to complete the work if you are awarded the contract.
Type This column displays the type of the opportunity (for example, Educational, Municipal, or Medical).
Stage This column displays the current stage of the opportunity (for example, Pending, Proposal Submitted, or Awarded).
Source This column displays the source of the opportunity (for example, Client Referral, Consultant Job, or Marketing Campaign).
Open Date This column displays the date on which you identified the opportunity and began pursuing the job
Closed Reason This is a drop-down list that lists pre-defined reasons why the opportunity closed. The options in the list are defined in the code tables found in Configuration.
Close Date This column displays the date on which you closed the opportunity (for example, the date you stopped pursuing the opportunity or the date you were awarded the job).
Closed Notes This is a memo field that you can use to fill in any description that relates to the closing of the opportunity.
Days Open This column displays the number of days the opportunity has been open. For a closed opportunity, this column displays the number of days from the date it was opened to the date it was closed.
Location This column displays the city, state, zip code, and country in which the opportunity is located.
Team Grid - Employee This column displays the name of the employee associated with the opportunity.
Team Grid - Title (Employee) This column displays the employee's job title or job function.
Team Grid - Role (Employee) This column displays the employee's role in the opportunity (for example, Lead Architect or Structural Engineer).
Team Grid - Role Description (Employee) This column displays additional information about the employee's role in the opportunity.
Team Grid - Vendor This column displays the name of the vendor or consultant working on the opportunity.
Team Grid - Role (Vendor) This column displays the vendor's role in the opportunity (for example, Surveying, Printing, or Security).
Clients - Name This column displays the name of the client associated with the opportunity.
Clients - Role This column displays the client's role in the opportunity (for example, Owner, Developer, or Partner).
Clients - Address Description This column displays the street address, city, state, and ZIP code of the client. It also displays the description of the address (for example, Company Headquarters or Northeast Sales Office).
Contacts - Contact This column displays the name of the contact associated with the opportunity using the format Last Name, First Name.
Contacts - Client This column displays the name of the client associated with the contact.
Contacts - Role This column displays the contact's role in the opportunity (for example, Owner or Project Manager).
Contacts - Phone This column displays the contact's business telephone number.
Activities - Completed The activity can be Pending or Completed.
Activities - Start Date This column displays the date and time that the activity is scheduled to begin.
Activities - Type This column displays the activity type (for example, Phone Call, Meeting, or Email).
Activities - Subject This column displays a brief description of the activity (for example, Initial Consultation, Planning Meeting, Customer Lunch, or Follow-up Visit).
Activities - Priority This column displays the priority ranking that indicates the relative importance of individual activities: High, Medium, or Low.
Activities - Owner This column displays the name of the employee who is responsible for the activity.
Activities - Client Contact This column displays the name of the client contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Client Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the client contact's work telephone number.
Activities - Vendor This column displays the name of the vendor associated with the activity.
Activities - Vendor Contact This column displays the name of the vendor contact associated with the activity.
Activities - Vendor Contact Bus. Phone This column displays the vendor contact's work telephone number.
Activities - Project This column displays the name of the project associated with the activity.
Activities - Lead This column displays the lead associated with the activity.
Activities - Location This column displays the location where the activity occurred or will occur.
Activities - Notes This column displays additional text that describes the activity.
Proposals - Name This column displays the name of the proposal.
Proposals - Number This column displays the proposal identifier.
Proposals - Type This column displays the proposal type (for example, Draft Proposal or Technical Proposal).
Proposals - Status This column displays the status of the proposal (for example, Pending, Won, Lost, Go/No Go, or Delayed).
Proposals - Submit Date This column displays the actual date on which you submitted the proposal or expect to submit it.
Proposals - Due Date This column displays the date by which you must submit the proposal.
Proposals - Award Date This column displays the date on which your firm was awarded the contract for the proposed job.
Proposals - Fee This column displays the fee associated with the proposal.
Proposals - Linked SF330 If you have created an SF330 proposal, this column displays the name of the SF330 proposal linked to the opportunity.
Project Codes - Code This column displays the project code associated with the opportunity.

Project codes enable you to identify the types of work or stages of work that you expect to perform and to enter estimated fees for each one.

Project Codes - SF330 Code This column displays the SF330 code for the project code.
Project Codes - Description This column displays the description of the project code.
Project Codes - Fee This column displays the estimated fee for the work that the project code represents.
Marketing Campaigns - Name This column displays the name of the marketing campaign associated with the opportunity.
Marketing Campaigns - Number This column displays the identifier for the marketing campaign associated with the opportunity.
Master Contract This column displays the master contract that is associated with the opportunity.
Competition Columns If you selected the Competition check box in the Report Sections To Include section on the General tab of the Opportunity Summary Options dialog box, the following competition fields from the Competition tab in the Opportunities Info Center display in the Column Name field on the Columns tab. Select a column to add it to the report.
  • Competition - Incumbent
  • Competition - Name
  • Competition - Notes
  • Competition - Strengths
  • Competition - Weaknesses