Format Date/Time Dialog Box

To accommodate companies that are located in (or doing business in) countries other than the United States, Ajera CRM provides default date and time formats for reports, checks, and other Ajera CRM output based on your settings in Regional and Language Options in Microsoft Windows. In certain cases, Ajera CRM you can use this dialog box to modify the default date and time formats.

In Reporting, you can modify the default date and time formats for individual reports and for individual report columns. The Layout tab on the Options dialog box displays the default date format for the report. That format, in turn, becomes the default format for each date field on the report. You can modify the default format on the Layout tab, and you can modify the format for individual columns on the Columns tab. In either case, you change the settings on the Format Date/Time dialog box.

To review or change your settings for Windows, display the Windows Control Panel and double-click Regional and Language Options.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Reporting and click the type of report.
  2. In the Reports grid, click the Options column for the report.
  3. Click .
  4. On the Options dialog box, select one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    To change the format for the report Click the Layout tab, and click in Date in the Default Formats group box.
    To change the format for an individual column Click the Columns tab, click the Format grid column for the report column, and then  click .


Field Description
Type Indicate if you want the format to be the short date, medium date, long date, short date and time, or time without the date.
Sample This field displays the current format. As you select formatting options, Ajera CRM updates the sample based on your selections.
Date Options: Use Separator from Regional Settings If you selected Short Date or Short Date and Time in Type, select Use Separator from Regional Settings in the Date Options group box to use the date separator from your Regional and Language Options in Windows. If you want to use a different separator, clear that check box and select a separator in Date Separator. (For date formats other than the short date format, Ajera CRM uses the punctuation specified in your Regional and Language Options for Windows.)
Date Separator If you selected Short Date or Short Date and Time in Type but you did not select Use Separator from Regional Settings, select a separator from the drop-down list in Date Separator. To use a separator that is not in the drop-down list, type the separator character in the field. (For date formats other than the short date format, Ajera CRM uses the punctuation specified in your Regional and Language Options for Windows.)
Date Order Select the order in which you want Ajera CRM to display the day, month, and year components of the date: Month Day Year, Day Month Year, or Year Month Day.
Display Day Clear this check box if you do not want dates to include the day.
Display Month Clear this check box if you do not want dates to include the month.
Display Year Clear this check box if you do not want dates to include the year.
Display Four Digit Year Select this option if you want dates to display all four digits of the year (2014). If you clear the check box, dates only show the final two digits (14).
Display Leading Zeros Select this option if you want dates to include leading zeros when the days or numerical months are less than 10 (01/09/2009). Clear the check box if you do not want Ajera CRM to display the leading zeros (1/9/2009).

If you select Display Day but do not select Display Month or Display Year, this check box is selected automatically and you cannot clear it. This also occurs if you select Display Month but do not select Display Day or Display Year.

Time Options: Use Separator from Regional Settings If the default date includes the time, select Use Separator from Regional Settings in the Time Options group box if you want to use the time separator from your Regional and Language Options in Windows. The time separator is the character that separates hours from minutes, and minutes from seconds. If you want to use a different separator, clear that check box and select a separator from the drop-down list in Time Separator. If you want to use a separator that is not in the drop-down list, type the separator character in the field.
Time Separator If you do not select Use Separator from Regional Settings, select a separator from the drop-down list in Time Separator. To use a separator that is not in the drop-down list, type the separator character in the field.
24-Hour Clock Select this option if you want times displayed based on a 24-hour clock rather than a 12-hour clock (1:00 p.m. displayed as 13:00).
Display AM/PM Select this option if you want Ajera CRM to display an a.m. or p.m. indicator as part of the time.

If you select this option, Ajera CRM uses the a.m. and p.m. indicators specified in your Regional and Language Options for Windows.

OK Click this button to close the Format Date/Time dialog box and apply the formatting options.
Cancel Click this button to close the Format Date/Time dialog box and discard any changes you made to the formatting options.
Help Click this button to display a help topic for the Format Date/Time dialog box.