Create Task From Dialog Box

Use the Create Task from dialog box to create a new phase from an existing project task record or a project template.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center > Projects.
  2. On the Project Info Center toolbar, click New > Create Task from.


Field Description
Copy From Use this drop-down list to select the type of record that you want to copy. The selection that you make determines which fields display.
  • Copy From Existing Project displays three Project fields:
    • Click Search in the first field to select an existing project.
    • Click Search in the second field to select the phase.
    • Click Search in the third field to select the task on which the new task will be based.
  • Copy From Project Template displays three Template Project fields:
    • Click Search in the first field to select a project template with phases.
    • Click Search in the second field to select the project template phase.
    • Click Search in the third field to select the project template task on which the new task will be based.
New Task This section consists of three fields:
  • The first field displays the project number of the project to receiving the new phase.
  • The second field display the phase number of the project phase receiving the new task.
  • The third field is blank. Enter the new task number in this field.

The task number is the third level of the Work Breakdown Structure and it must be associated with a phase.

Short Name This field displays the tasks's short name, based on the project task or project template task you have selected to copy. You can edit the task's short name. The short name is useful when the task's full name is too long to fully display on project reports.
Long Name This field displays the task's long name, based on the project task or project template task record you have selected to copy. You can edit the task's long name.