Resumes Tab of Employee Info Center

Use the Resumes tab to enter, edit, or review employee resume information. This information is useful when you need to locate employee and consultant resumes as you generate proposals.

This tab is available if you use Proposals (Custom, SF330, SF254, or SF255).


Resumes Grid

Field Description
Insert Click this option to add resume information to the Resumes grid.
Delete Click this option to delete resume information from the Resumes grid.
Category When you click Insert, Ajera CRM displays a lookup that contains a list of all the resume categories in your database. Use the lookup to select a resume category, which then displays in this field. You define resume category options in Code Table Configuration.

Click Edit to open the Text Editor and enter resume data for this category. The first line of the resume then displays in the Resume field.

Resume When you open the Text Editor and enter resume data for the resume category, the first line of the resume then displays in this field.
Default Select this check box to make a resume category the default category when building custom proposals. Only one description category can be selected as the default.