Open Calendar Dialog Box

Use the Open Calendar dialog box to open and view the activity calendars of other users at your firm if they give you permission to do so.

You can open and view the activity calendars of other CRM users, if they give you permission to do so.


To open another user's calendar, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Calendar/Activities > Calendar.
  2. On the Activity Calendar toolbar, click View > Open Calendar.
  3. Select a user from the list, and click OK to open the user's calendar.
  4. To return to your own activity calendar, click View > My Calendar on the Calendar toolbar.


Field Description
Name This field displays the names of the users who share their calendars with you. You can open the calendar of any employee in the list.
User This field displays the user IDs of the users who share their calendars with you. You can open the calendar of any employee in the list.
OK Click a name in the list, and click OK to open that user's calendar.
Cancel Click this option to close the dialog box.