SF254 Template Editor Dialog Box

Use the SF254 Template Editor form to create and maintain SF254 templates.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Proposals > SF254 Proposals.
  2. On the toolbar, click Edit, then click and Template Editor.


Field Description
Template Set Name Enter a name for the template set.

If you want to edit the default templates, select Vision Default Template from the drop-down list.

Description Enter a description for the template set.
Detail Grid Description Enter a description for the template.
Template Filename Enter a filename for the template.
Update Click this button to add a modified template to the Ajera CRM database.
Save As Click this button to open a dialog box that you use to save a template with a new name.
Export Click this button to send the selected template to Microsoft Word. You can open the template in Word, change it, and save it with a new name.
Delete Click this button to delete the selected template from the Ajera CRM database.
Close Click this button to close the dialog box.