Proposal Log Dialog Box

Use the Proposal Log dialog box to connect an opportunity record to a proposal record.

Proposal logs show the proposal name, number, and organization of the connected proposal. If you enter data in the Opportunity field, Ajera CRM adds the connected proposal to the Proposals tab of the Opportunity Info Center record. This dialog box displays in the Opportunity Info Center and in Proposals.


To display the dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Info Center > Opportunities.
  2. On the Opportunities form, click the Proposals tab and then click Insert or Edit on the grid toolbar.


Field Description
Name If you open the dialog box from Proposals, this field shows the data from the Name field in the proposal that is currently open. You can change the data in this field, but you can not change the connection to the proposal.

If you open the dialog box from the Opportunity Info Center, this field is blank. Enter the name of the proposal that you want to connect to the opportunity record.

Number If you open the dialog box from Proposals, this field shows the data from the Number field in the current proposal. You can change the data in this field, but you can not change the connection to the proposal.

If you open the dialog box from the Opportunity Info Center, this field is blank. Enter the number of the proposal that you want to connect to the opportunity record.

Type Select the proposal type, such as Letter of Interest or Statement of Qualifications. Proposal types are set up in the Type Code Table in Code Table Configuration.

Select the organization that is sending the proposal.

If you open the dialog box from Proposals, this field shows the data from the Organization field in the proposal that is open now.

If you open the dialog box from the Opportunity Info Center, this field is empty. Enter the name of the proposal that you want to connect to the opportunity record.

Person Responsible Select the employee who is sending the proposal.
Opportunity If you open the dialog box from Proposals, this field is blank. Select the opportunity to which this proposal is connected.

If you click Yes at the prompt Do you wish to create a proposal log for the Opportunity? after you make an SF330 proposal from an opportunity, this field shows the first 50 characters of the opportunity Name.

If you open the dialog box from the Opportunity Info Center, this field shows the Name of the current opportunity record.

Source Use this field to specify the way in which your company heard of the Request for Proposal. This proposal source can differ from the source of the opportunity that is connected to this proposal. Proposal source options are set up in the Proposal Source Code Table in Code Table Configuration.
Date Advertised Select the date of the notice for the Request for Proposal.
Submittal Date Select the date on which the proposal was sent or the date on which you plan to submit it.
Fee Enter the fee, if any, for sending the proposal.
Status Select the status of the proposal, such as Won or Pending. The proposal status can differ from the status of the opportunity to which the proposal is connected. Status options are set up in the Proposal Status Code Table in Code Table Configuration.
Due Date Select the date by which the proposal must be sent.
Award Date Select the date on which your firm is given the contract for the proposed work.
Linked Proposal If you open the dialog box from Proposals, this field identifies the proposal whose data is currently displayed on the dialog box.

If you open the dialog box from the Proposals tab of the Opportunity Info Center by using the Insert grid option, this field is inactive and empty.

If you open the dialog box from the Edit grid option, this field shows the name of the proposal connected to the opportunity, if applicable.

Notes Enter notes, such as information about the source or location of cover art, charts, or designs related to the proposal. You can enter text in this field or use the Text Editor.
OK Click this button when the proposal information is complete. Ajera CRM closes the dialog box, creates a Proposal Log, and adds the proposal data to the opportunity record, if applicable.
Cancel Click this button to close the dialog box without making a Proposal Log or adding the proposal data to the opportunity record.
Help Click this button to display the help topic for this dialog box.