255 Preferences Form

Use the 255 Preferences form to specify the layout and font for each section of an SF255 proposal.


To display the form, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Proposals > SF255 Proposals.
  2. Click Edit and select Preferences.


General Tab

Field Description
Default 255 Template Select the set of merge templates to use for this SF255 proposal. This list shows all of the merge templates added in the SF255 Template Editor. The SF255 Proposals application is installed with a default template set.
Employees Per Page Select the one or two employees per page format. Ajera CRM uses this setting for the records you add to the SF255. This selection does not affect employee resumes that are in the proposal now. Select all preferences before you add records to an SF255.

To modify employee page formats, use Employee Layout in block 7g on the Employees Tab of the SF255.

Degree Separator Select the separator to use between the educational degree and the year of graduation. For example, you could select a slash (Bachelor of Science/1986) or a comma (Bachelor of Science, 1986). Education information comes from the Experience tab of the Employees Info Center.
Show Institution Select this option to include the Institution field for each degree, from the Experience tab of the Employees Info Center.
Registration Separator Select the registration separator to use between the state issuing the license or registration, and the license or registration type). For example, you could select a slash to have the employee's registration information appear as CA/Professional Engineer. License information comes from the Experience tab of the Employees Info Center.
Show State/Number Select this option to include the state/province and registration number for each license.
Space After Separator Select this check box to put a space after the separators used in the degrees and registrations. If the separator is a comma, you must select this option to put a space after the comma.
Total project costs from all project levels With this option selected, if a project is selected for Blocks 8 or 9, and that project has any phases or tasks, Ajera CRM uses data from the Total Project Cost fields for the primary project and for all phases and tasks to calculate one Total Cost amount for use in the SF255. The Total Project Cost field is on the Dates & Costs tab of the Projects Info Center.
Total firm costs from all projectlevels With this option selected, if a project is selected for Blocks 8 or 9, and that project has phases or tasks, Ajera CRM uses data from the Firm Cost fields for the primary project and for all phases and tasks to calculate one Firm Cost amount for use in the SF255. The Firm Cost field is on the Dates & Costs tab of the Projects Info Center.
Description Category Select the type of project description (Brief Description, Detailed Description, and so on) that is most appropriate for this SF255. The drop-down list shows all of the description categories that are in the Ajera CRM database.

You can override this choice on an SF255 on a project by project basis. On the Projectsor Federal tab, in block 8 or 9, click Add Project Descriptions.

Project Pages — Column Format Specify a narrow or a wide column for "Nature of Firm’s Responsibility" in block 8b.
Project Pages — One ProjectPer Page Select this option to put one project per page in block 8.
Project Pages — Date Format Select the format for items in the Completion Date column in block 8.
Project Pages — Add 1 Line After Project Select this option to insert a line after each project in block 8. This check box is enabled only if One Project Per Page is not selected.
Federal Project Pages — Column Format Specify a narrow or a wide column for "Nature of Firm’s Responsibility" in block 9b.
Federal Project Pages — One Project Per Page Select this option to put one federal project per page in block 9.
Federal Project Pages — Add 1 Line After Project Select this option to insert a line after each federal project in block 9. This check box is enabled only if One Project Per Page is not selected.
Text - Number of Columns Select One or Two columns for the "Additional Information or Description of Resources" text that is entered in block 10.
ProjectCalculation method Select the way in which the percent complete is calculated for federal projects, as entered in block 9d.
  • Accounting Based — Available if your firm has the Ajera CRM Accounting module installed, this option uses the Overall Pct Comp on the Accounting tab of the Project Info Center. Users must have a minimum of "modify" access to Accounting to have approval to modify the Overall Pct Comp amount.

  • Date Based — This option calculates Percent Complete using data from the Start Date and Estimated Completion Date on the Dates & Costs tab of the Project Info Center.

Font Settings Tab

Field Description
Font Name This field shows the name of the font that is currently selected for use in the SF255. To change the selection, click the Font button.
Font Size This field shows the point size of the font that is currently selected for use in the SF255. To change the selection, click the Font button.
Font Click this button to display the Preferred Font dialog box, where you can select the font and point size.