Toolbar of Roles Form

Use the toolbar on the Roles form to create and modify security roles.


Field Description
Save Click this option to save entries to the current record.

After you click this option, select one of the following:

  • Click New Role to open a blank role record. Use the blank record to create a new record.
  • Click Copy Current Role to copy the current role as the basis for creating a new role.
  • Click Select Role to Copy to open the Roles Lookup and select a role to copy as the basis for creating a new role.
Delete Role Click this option to delete the current role record from your Ajera CRM database.

Use the print options to display or print a Role Summary report, which provides detailed information about the security roles that you have established.

  • Click Print Current Role to include information about the current role.
  • Click Print Active Group to include information about all role records currently active.
  • Click Select Role to Print to open the Role Lookup and select the record you want to report on.
List View/Detail View

Use this option to change the amount of detail that you see on the Role Security form.

  • Detail View — This view displays all of the tabs for just one role.
  • List View — This view displays several role records at one time in a grid format. You can customize the columns and fields that display in the grid.
Help Click this option to view online help.