Add a Fee Band to a Service Profile
After you create a service profile, you can use the Fee Bands grid to add the fee basis and define the associated fee bands.
To add a fee band to a service profile, complete the following steps:
- From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click .
- Click the General tab.
- Select a service profile.
On the toolbar of the Fee Bands grid, click
Enter the value related to the
Fee Basis.
Typically, this is the project's total construction cost. The fee basis cost is used to calculate the contractor's fee on the Fee Estimate tab of the Opportunity Info Center.
For each
Fee Band column that displays in the grid, enter a number for the minimum value.
The number of fee band columns that displays is determined by the entry in the
Fee Bands field (1-9).
The minimum value for each fee band is used as the basis for the range of the fee band, and the maximum value is automatically dictated by the next fee band's minimum. For example, if Fee Band 1 from equals 10 and Fee Band 2 from equals 20, you can assume that the range for Fee Band 1 is 10 to 20. As you continue to build the fee bands for your service profile, you will finish by entering a cap for the last fee band in the to column. This is the absolute maximum for the fee band.
As part of the fee calculation in the opportunity fee estimate or project fee estimate, you will be able to select a rate that falls within a fee band. The options include the minimum, maximum, average, ¼, ¾, or user-defined.