File Download Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to open or save a merged document that is generated from an Info Center using a Microsoft Word merge template.

This dialog box does not apply for merged documents that are created with an Adobe InDesign merge template.


To display the File Download dialog box, complete the following step:

Click the OK button on the Merged Document dialog box.


Field Description

Click this button to open the merged document in Word (as an .rtf file).

In Word, you can edit it, save it, email it, and so on. When you close the file, you are returned to the Ajera CRM Merging dialog box.


Click this button to save the merged document as an .rtf file to a desired location without opening the file.

The standard Windows Save As dialog box displays. The name that you enter in the Merged Document Name field on the Merged Document dialog box prefills in the File name field. When you click Save on this dialog box, the .rtf file is saved, and you are returned to the Merging dialog box.

Cancel Click this button return to the Merging dialog box without opening or saving the merged document.