Custom Reports Tab of Report Administration

Use the Custom Reports tab to upload customized reports (.RDL files) that are located on a workstation into Ajera CRM.


The upload process copies the reports from a workstation to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and to your Ajera CRM reporting server. It makes the uploaded reports accessible from the Reporting menu in the Navigation pane in Ajera CRM.

The Custom Reports tab displays only if it has been enabled by your Ajera CRM system administrator by selecting the Allow RDL files to be uploaded in Report Administration check box on the General tab of the Weblink utility. Reports (including custom reports) from your Ajera CRM application server can be loaded into Ajera CRM using the Load Reports tab on the Report Administration form.

Apply Schema Update to Custom Report File Section

Use the fields in this section to upgrade custom reports to the RDL report schema version that is currently supported in Ajera CRM. This applies only if the report files are saved on a local machine and they have not been saved in the Ajera CRM database. If you need to upgrade custom reports that are saved in your Ajera CRM database, use the Upload option on the toolbar of the Load Custom Reports grid on this tab.

For more information about the RDL report schema version that Ajera CRM currently supports and more information about upgrading your custom reports, see the Deltek Ajera CRM Custom Reports and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services guide. You can download the guide from the Deltek Customer Care Connect website.

Field Description
Folder This field displays the folder that you select when you click the Select Folder button in this section. You select the folder on your local machine that contains the RDL files that you want to upgrade to the currently supported RDL schema. You can also manually enter a folder and its path in the Folder field.
  • Select Folder: Click this button to open the Browse for Folder dialog box, and browse to and select the folder on a your local machine that contains the custom report RDL files that you want to upgrade.
  • Apply: Click this button to upgrade the schema of all the custom report RDL files in the selected folder. When the process is complete, review the RDLProccessing.log log file that is saved in the report folder that you entered in the Folder field. The log file contains the status of each processed RDL file and identifies any errors.

Load Custom Reports Grid Toolbar

Field Description
Load Custom Reports Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Download Click this option to download a copy of the selected custom report. The custom report must be available in the database to download it.
Synchronize Click this option to get a copy of a custom report from the database and store it to the report server. The custom report should be available in the database and have the Missing in report server status to synchronize the custom report.
Upload Click this option to open the Select Custom Report File to Upload dialog box and select an RDL report file to upload.
Delete Click this option to delete the selected custom report in the Load Custom Reports grid.
Upgrade This option displays only if you have a saved custom report in the Ajera CRM database. Use this option to upgrade custom reports to the RDL report schema version that is currently supported in Ajera CRM if the report files are saved in your Ajera CRM database. If you need to upgrade custom reports that are saved on a local machine, use the fields in the Apply Schema Update to Custom Report File section on this tab.

For more information about the RDL report schema version that Ajera CRM supports and more information about upgrading your custom reports, see the Deltek Ajera CRM Custom Reports and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services guide. You can download the guide from the Deltek Customer Care Connect website.

When you click Upgrade, Ajera CRM does the following: It upgrades the report schema for each custom report, resaves the reports in the Ajera CRM database, and uploads the reports to the Ajera CRM report server.

During the upgrade, Ajera CRM backs up the custom reports that are saved in the Ajera CRM application server's Report\Backup folder.

When the upgrade finishes, you can review the RDLProcessing.log log file that is saved in the Ajera CRM application server's Report\Backup\<database name> folder. The file contains the status for each processed RDL file and identifies any errors.

Load Custom Reports Grid

This grid displays all the reports you have uploaded using either the Custom Reports tab or the Load Reports tab.

Field Description
Name This field displays the name of the report derived from the .RDL file that you selected on the Select Custom Report File to Upload dialog box.
Filename This field displays the name of the uploaded .RDL file that you selected on the Select Custom Report File to Upload dialog box .
Report Path This column displays the folder path where the custom report is stored on the report server.
Location From this drop-down list, select the Reporting application in which you want the custom report to display. This field is only editable during the initial upload and will no longer be editable after you click Save. Once saved, you will have to delete and upload the custom report again to select a different Reporting application.
Status This column displays the upload status of the custom report that was uploaded. The column can display the following statuses:
  • Synchronized: The custom report was uploaded successfully in the report server and the database.
  • Missing in report server: The custom report was only successfully uploaded in the database and did not get saved in the report server.
  • Missing in database: The custom report was only successfully uploaded in the report server and was not saved in the database.