Code Tables Setup Overview

You use Code Tables to populate drop-down lists with standard values for certain Info Center fields. These lists of values save time during routine data entry and enforce uniformity in data fields. You can add new, edit, and delete entries at any time. You can add an unlimited number of entries to any code table.

For example, for the Employee Role field on the Projects tab of Employee Info Center, you can use this table to define the roles that your employees may have on projects, such as Architect, Project Manager, and Supervisor.

The Client Role, Contact Role, and Employee Role code tables have pre-populated or system entries and their entries cannot be deleted.


Deltek recommends that you set standards for each of the code tables and populate the tables before you enter data in the Info Centers. For example, if you decide that your educational degrees will use the format B.A. and M.A. (as opposed to BA or Bachelor of Arts), populate the Degree code tables with all possible degrees in the appropriate format.

Types of Code Tables

There are three types of code tables in Ajera CRM:

  • One type of code table dynamically updates all existing records that are associated with that respective code to reflect the new description.
  • The second type is a table with a list of only Descriptions, such as Client Relationship, Employee Title, and Suffix Tables. If you change a code, only the values for future lookups are affected; no changes are made to existing records.
  • The last type of code table allows you to remove the selection of the Active check box so that the code is not a choice for future selections. Existing records in your database associated with a code that is not active remain unchanged. New records cannot be associated with this code, since it is not active. This preserves older records' characteristics that you do not want to use in new records.

Code Tables and Multiple Languages

If you use multiple languages with Ajera CRM, the standard code tables display in the selected language. If you insert your own codes, you must translate the code and manually enter it in the Code Table Maintenance form. If you do not translate the custom code, Ajera CRM displays Text Not Translated as the description for this code.