Start Ajera CRM and Log In
When you start Ajera CRM, you log in and then select an application.
To start Ajera CRM and log in, complete the following steps:
- Click the Ajera CRM icon on your desktop or go to your firm’s designated Ajera CRM site on the Internet (or your firm’s Intranet).
- On the Login dialog box, enter your Ajera CRM ID in the User ID field and enter your Ajera CRM password in the Password field.
- From the drop-down list for the Database field, select a database.
- Optional. On the User Options dialog box, you can specify the application that you want to display automatically when you log on to Ajera CRM; select Do not load startup application to bypass this choice and go to the welcome page instead.
- Click the Log In button. The Period Selection dialog box displays, unless you previously enabled the Automatically default to current period at startup option.
- Click OK. The Navigation menu displays. Your startup application also displays, unless you chose Do not load startup application.
- Use the Navigation menu to select an application or use the toolbar to open the Dashboard.