Custom Grids Tab of User-Defined Components Form

Use the Custom Grids tab to add, modify, and delete user-defined grids.


Field Description
Application Select the application for which you want to add, modify, or delete grids. This list includes user-defined Info Centers, which do not apply to the Mappings tab. If you select a user-defined Info Center, the Mappings tab is non-editable.
Type This field displays the application type, which is based on the selected Application. An application that is shipped with Ajera CRM displays as a Standard type, and a user-defined application displays as a Custom type.

Custom Grids Grid

Grid Options

Field Description
Custom Grids Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Move Up Move Down Use these options to control the order in which the tabs will display on the user-defined grids. Click the tab name and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons on the grid toolbar to move it up or down in the grid.
Delete Click a tab name and use this option to remove the tab from the grid.
Insert Click this option to insert a blank line on the grid and add a new tab. This determines the order in which the fields display in lookups and reports.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Tab Select the tab for which you want to add a grid. If you select Activities or Files, the Columns grid includes one row for each standard Activity column and the grid options are disabled.
Caption Enter a name for the tab. If you change the Caption name, Ajera CRM displays a message that asks if you also want the database table name to be changed. If you select Yes, you may have to make changes in your saved searches and custom reports, if you use these.
Database Table Name This field displays the database code for the selected application and the new tab.
Row Enter the number of rows in which users are allowed to enter data.
iAccess Tab Use this drop-down list to select the iAccess tab where the user-defined field appears in iAccess for Vision.
Type This field indicates the type of grid that was inserted. The Activities and Files grid types can be added automatically when you create a new user-defined Info Center.

Custom Columns Grid

Grid Options

Field Description
Custom Columns Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Move Up The grid order indicates the order in which the tabs will display. Click the tab name and use the Move Up button to move a tab up in the grid order.
Move Down The grid order indicates the order in which the tabs will display. Click the tab name and use the Move Down button to move a tab up in the grid order.
Insert Click this option to insert a blank line on the grid and add a new tab.
Delete Click a tab name and click this option to remove the tab from the grid.
Edit Codes Click this option to edit the database code field.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Heading Enter the column headings. If you change the column name, Ajera CRM displays a message that asks if you also want the database column name to be changed. If you select Yes, you may have to make changes in your saved searches and custom reports, if you use these.
Database Column Name This column lists the database code based on the selected column heading.
Data Type Select the data type for the user-defined column heading. Some of these options are lookup list fields. Lookup lists are fields in which you can search for and select a particular Info Center item, such as Account, Contact, or Employee.

After you select a data type for the column heading and data is entered into that field, you cannot change the data type, with the exception of three types: Character, Drop Down, and Lookup. These three are compatible types and are interchangeable. If you need to change any other data types, you need to delete that column heading and re-add it.

Options in the Data Type field are:
  • Account — Creates an Account lookup list field.
  • Character — Alphanumeric values.
  • Check Box — Determines if the field is a Yes/No check box. When the field is checked, a value of Y is entered into the database. When the field is unchecked, a value of N is entered into the database.
  • Client — Creates a Client lookup list field.
  • Contact — Creates a Contact lookup list field.
  • Currency — Creates a currency field.
  • Date — Determines if the field contains a date value. The field includes a pop-up calendar that can be accessed from the arrow to the right of the field value.
  • Drop Down — Creates a drop down list field. If you select this option, you create the entries that will appear in the list using the List of Values field.
  • Employee — Creates an Employee lookup list field.

    When you create an employee data type, Ajera CRM adds two new fields to the Lookup dialog for that Info Center: one for the employee name and one for the employee number.

    The employee number search field is compatible with the "is me" operator, so that you can use that operator for user-defined employee type fields.

    For example, if you create a user-defined Client Info Center field called Special Contact, Ajera CRM creates two search fields, Special Contact and Special Contact Number. The Special Contact Number field can be used with the "is me" operator.

  • Lead — Creates a Lead lookup list field.
  • Lookup — Creates a lookup list field similar to a drop-down field, except you select a value from the list using a lookup. If you select this option, you create the entries that will appear on the lookup using the List of Values field.
  • Marketing Campaign — Creates a Marketing Campaign lookup list field.
  • Memo — Creates an RTF (rich text format) field for formatted text.
  • Numeric — Creates a numeric field. If you select this option, you can enter the number of decimals used in the number in the Decimals field.
  • Opportunity — Creates an Opportunity lookup list field.
  • Organization — Creates an Organization lookup list field.
  • Project — Creates a Project lookup list field.
  • Text Library — Creates a Text Library lookup list field.
  • URL — If you select this data type, you can enter and save a Web site address in the field, which you can then click to automatically launch the site in a new browser window.
  • Vendor — Creates a Vendor lookup list field.
Display Width This setting determines the number of characters you want to display for the column. Ajera CRM calculates how wide the column should be on the screen based on the fonts used in Ajera CRM.

Ajera CRM multiplies the number in this field by 6 to arrive at the number of pixels in the field. For example, if you enter 20, then the number of pixels for the column would be 120. Remember, you can always adjust the size of the column using the Tab Designer.

Sorted This setting determines whether the rows will be sorted by the column in question when first retrieved. Sorted may only be selected for one column in each grid.
List of Values If you selected Drop Down or Lookup in the Data Type field, this field allows you to list the entries that will appear in the drop down list. When you click this field, Ajera CRM displays a Column Values dialog box. Click Insert to add new entries; use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to determine the order of the entries.

If you select the Limit entry to values in list option, users will only be allowed to select one of these entries. If you do not select this option, users can either select one of these entries or enter other entries not included in the list.

Total Select this option if you want a column total to appear at the bottom of the grid. This total field also displays for a list of numbers in reports. This option applies to Numeric and Currency data types only.
Decimals If you selected Numeric in the Data Type field, this field allows you to determine the number of decimal points in the number. For currency, this defaults to your currency format (2 for U.S.)
Minimum Value If you selected Numeric or Currency in the Data Type field, this field allows you to determine the minimum number that the user can enter in the field. If you leave this field blank, no minimum value is set. In other words, you can enter a negative number. To allow a minimum of any non-negative number, enter 0.
Maximum Value If you selected Numeric or Currency in the Data Type field, this field allows you to determine the maximum number that the user can enter in the field. If you leave this field blank, no maximum value is set.

Select this option if the field is required for CRM users. In other words, the record will not be saved for CRM users if no data is entered in this field.

Default Value Enter the default value for the field. This field is only available if the following data types are selected: Character, Check Box, Currency, Date, Drop Down, Lookup, Numeric, and URL.
  • Checkbox Data Type — These data types have a default value of N by default. However, you can change it to Y. You cannot leave this blank.
  • Date Data Type — You can either enter the words Current Date or enter a date. If you enter Current Date, new records always default to the current date. You can also select a date from the calendar icon in this field.
  • Lookup, Drop Down Data Types — If the data type is either Lookup or Drop Down, the Default Value field will contain a Lookup icon.
  • Currency, Numeric Data Types — Enter any valid numbers.
  • Character, URL Data Types — Enter any alphanumeric characters.
Required Level This option is only applicable to the Project Info Center and is only available if the field is required. The options are:
  • All Levels — Select this option if you want the field to be required at all levels (for example, project, phase, task).
  • Project — Select this option if you want the field to be required at the top level only (project only) and not at lower levels.
  • Lowest — Select this option if you want the field to be required at the lowest level (the charging level) of any given node of a particular project. For example, when a new phase is created for a project, the field is required even if the project has other phases that have tasks. If a specific phase already has a task, the field is not required at the phase level.