General Tab of Fee Estimate Service Profiles

Use the General tab to create a service profile and then enter the associated chargeable costs and fee bands that can be used when calculating a fee estimate in the Opportunity Info Center.


Use the General tab to create a service profile and then enter the associated chargeable costs and fee bands that can be used when calculating a fee estimate in the Opportunity Info Center.

Field Description
Service Profile

Enter a unique alphanumeric identifier for the service profile. After you create and save a service profile, it becomes available in the Service Profile drop-down list that you use when you create a fee estimate in the Opportunity Info Center. When a service profile is selected for a fee estimate, its associated fee values and standard phases define the basis for the fee estimate. The service profile identifier is not editable after you save this form. To edit the identifier, you must copy the service profile, make edits and save, and then delete the original service profile.

Description Enter a description for the service profile.
Fee Basis Label
Fee Bands Enter the number of fee bands for the service profile. Multiple fee bands can define the different ranges for the fee calculation for an individual fee basis (chargeable cost). This determines the number of columns that are included on the Fee Bands grid. For example, if you enter 4 in this field, then four fee bands display in the Fee Bands grid. Ajera CRM automatically adds one additional column after the last fee band, where you can define the maximum for the last fee band.

Select this option to disable this service profile. This service profile will not be available when you create the fee estimate in the Opportunity Info Center.

System Service profiles that are provided when you select Enable German Scale of Fees in Opportunity Settings are marked as System. This means that the core calculation components of the service profile are not editable, including the Fee Band and Service Phases. You can still update the Functional Group, Cost Groups, and Company Access tabs.
Disable Fee Bands Select this option to disable the fee bands. This will result in the removal of the Fee Band and Rate columns on the Fee Estimate tab in the Opportunity Info Center. You can enter the fee directly on the Functional Groups grid rather than having Ajera CRMcalculate the fee based on applicable fee bands.

Fee Bands Grid

Use this grid to view the fee bands for each entered fee basis (chargeable cost).

You cannot add, edit, or delete the fee bands for system-defined service profiles.

Field Description
Fee Bands Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to insert a new fee basis on the Fee Bands grid.
Delete Click this option to delete the selected fee basis from the Fee Bands grid.
Fee Basis Enter the fee basis for the range in the selected row of the fee band. It is common for the fee basis to be the total chargeable cost for the project. For example, this could be the total construction cost, which is then used to determine the contractor's fee amount.
Fee Bands Use these fields to define the range of the contractor's fee that is associated with the chargeable cost entered for the row. The number of columns that display is based on the entry in the Fee Bands field. For example, if you entered 4 in the Fee Bands field, four fee bands display in the Fee Bands grid. Ajera CRM automatically adds one additional column after the last fee band where you can define the maximum for the last fee band.

The minimum value for each fee band is used as the basis for the range of the fee band, and the maximum value is automatically dictated by the next fee band's minimum. For example, if Fee Band 1 from equals 10 and Fee Band 2 from equals 20, you can assume that the range for Fee Band 1 is 10 to 20. As you continue to build the fee bands for your service profile, you finish by entering a cap for the last fee band in the to column. This is the absolute maximum for the fee band.

There may be situations where the amount entered for the chargeable cost in the fee estimate is not in complete alignment with the associated fee bands. For example, if you enter 35,000 for the chargeable cost but Fee Band 1's chargeable cost is 20,000 and Fee Band 2's chargeable costs is 30,000, Ajera CRM interpolates the data to define the calculated fee.