Custom Report Options Form

Use the Custom Report Options form to create custom options that display on the Custom Options tab of the Options dialog box in Reporting.


To display the form, complete the following step:

From the Ajera CRM Navigation menu, click Configuration > General > Custom Report Options.


Toolbar Options

Field Description
Save Click this option after you create or modify options.
Lookup Lists Click to open the Lookup Lists dialog box, from which you specify the selection values for options with a Data Type of Lookup or Search.
Help Click this option to display the help system.


Field Description
Report Name Select the custom report for which you want to create custom options.

Grid Toolbar Options

Field Description
Options Drop-down Click the drop-down arrow on a grid header to complete any of the following actions:
  • To print grid data, click Print. When the Print Preview form displays, click File > Print to send the grid data to your default printer.
  • To export grid data to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export to Excel. When Microsoft Excel opens, use its features to modify, print, or email the data, or to save the spreadsheet file locally.
  • To turn on grouping for a grid, click Enable Grouping. When a field displays with the instruction: "Drag a column header here to group by that column," drag and drop column headers into this field, in the sequence that you want them to display.

Not all options are available on all grids.

Insert Click this option to add a blank row to the grid, in which you define a new option.
Delete Select a row and click this option to remove the field from the Custom Options tab.
Move Up and Move Down Click Move Up or Move Down to modify the order of the options.

Grid Fields

Field Description
Option Label Enter a name for the field.
Parameter Name Enter a parameter that you will use to reference the field in a custom report. Acceptable characters include all alphanumeric values and the underscore ( _ ) symbol.
Data Type Select the data type for the custom field. Some of these options are lookup list fields. Lookup lists are fields in which you can search for and select a particular account, contact, employee, and so on. You have the following options.
  • Account — This data type creates an account lookup field.
  • Character — This data type consists of alphanumeric values, up to 70 characters.
  • Check Box — This data type determines if the field is a Yes/No check box field. When the field is checked, a value of Y is entered into the database. When the field is unchecked, a value of N is entered into the database.
  • Client — Creates a Client lookup list field.
  • Contact — This data type creates a Contact lookup list field.
  • Date — This data type determines if the field contains a date value. The field includes a popup calendar that can be accessed from the arrow to the right of the field value.
  • Employee — This data type creates an Employee lookup list field.
  • Lookup — This data type consists of alphanumeric values, up to 20 characters. The field includes a drop-down list and lookup table of values that can be modified by double clicking on the lookup field.
  • Memo — This data type creates an RTF (rich text format) field with unlimited formatted text.
  • Numeric — This data type creates a numeric field.
  • Opportunity — This data type creates an Opportunity lookup list field.
  • Project — Creates a Project lookup list field.
  • Search — This data type functions exactly the same as the Lookup data type, except a Ajera CRM search field (with Search to open a search dialog box) is used instead of a drop down list. With these types of fields, the records in the user-defined lookup list are not retrieved until the user opens the dialog box and clicks Search. In addition, since this is a dialog box search, you have the added ability of being able to use Quick Find to enter the first few characters of the value. If your company has a large database, you may want to use this data type instead of Lookup, since using Lookup may cause performance problems.
  • Text Library — This data type creates a Text Library lookup list field.
  • URL — If you select this data type, you can enter and save a Web site address in the field, which you can then click to automatically launch the site in a new browser window.
  • Vendor — Creates a Vendor lookup list field.
Default Value Enter the default value for the field. This field is available with the standard data types String, Numeric, Date, Search, Lookup, and Check Box.
  • Check Box —These data types have a default value of N, meaning not selected. Enter Y to specify that the field be selected, by default.
  • Date — Either type the text Current Date or enter any date in m/d/yy format. If you enter Current Date, new records always default to the current date. You can also click Calendar in this field.
  • Lookup or Search — If the data type is either Lookup or Search, the Default Value field will contain a Lookup icon.
Display Width This field determines the number of characters you want to display for the field. Ajera CRM calculates how wide the field should be on the screen based on the fonts used in Ajera CRM.
Memo Height If you select Memo in the Data Type field, this field allows you to determine the number of lines you want to appear for the memo. For example, if you enter 5, Ajera CRM calculates the proper height of the memo field, to accommodate five lines of text.
Limit to List This option applies only to fields with a Data Type of Lookup. If you select this option, users will only be allowed to select one of these pre-defined values. If you do not select this option, users can either select one of the pre-defined values or enter other values not included in the list.
Total Select this option if you want a column total to appear at the bottom of the grid. This option applies to Numeric data types only.
Currency If you selected Numeric in the Data Type field, this field allows you to use your currency format.
Decimals If you selected Numeric in the Data Type field, this field allows you to determine the number of decimal points in the number. For currency, this defaults to your currency format (2 for U.S.)
Minimum Value If you selected Numeric in the Data Type field, this field allows you to determine the minimum number that the user can enter in the field.
Maximum Value If you selected Numeric in the Data Type field, this field allows you to determine the maximum number that the user can enter in the field.