Editing Gantt Column Properties

To edit the Gantt column properties

  1. Click > to open Design mode, and click the tab you want.

  2. In the Tab Properties area, click Add Widget or on a widget you want to change, click to open the widget menu and click Edit.
  3. Select the Gantt column under Edit Columns.
  4. Edit Gantt column properties:
    • Change the Heading
    • Change the color
    • Change the width of the Gantt
    • Change the Date Format of the Gantt
  5. Select Date Reference Columns:
    • Select a date column to use as the Start Date
    • Select a date column to use as the End Date
  6. Set conditional formatting.
  7. On the Link tab, select an item from the drop down menu.
  8. To preview the widget, click the Refresh button next to Widget Preview.

  9. Click to save changes.