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About types

By setting up types, you can group certain kinds of information together for reporting or for quickly making selections in Ajera. For example, you may choose to set up a project type of Schools so you can easily review billing information for all your projects involving schools.

You can set up the following kinds of types:



Client types

Groups similar clients together for reporting. This can also help anyone in the company find client information more easily for marketing purposes.

Contact types

Groups similar contacts together for reporting and retrieval. For example, you may set up a contact type for your banking representatives. You can then quickly retrieve information for all your banking contacts using the contact type.

Employee types

Groups employees for billing and reporting. To establish a common rate for a group of employees, you can set up rate tables by employee type. For example, you might want all employees with an employee type of Drafter on a specific rate table to be billed out at $65.00 per hour. You can also choose to print an invoice grouped or summarized by employee type.

Project types

Groups similar projects together for reporting. Examples are: Commercial, Medical Facilities, and Educational Facilities. 

Vendor types

Groups vendors together for reporting. Examples are: Consultant, Government, and Professional Services.

Utilization types

Groups activities together for employee utilization reporting. Examples are: Billable, Marketing, Vacation, and Sick.

You cannot add or delete utilization types. However, you can change the description for them.

The Billable utilization type reports employee time in the Billable column of the Employee Utilization report. The time in that column includes time you enter to a billable phaseClosed The phase of a project that will be billed to the client. The billing may be based on Time & Expense, Fixed Fee, Percent Complete, Unit Price, or Percent of Construction Cost. in the direct-time section of the timesheet.



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