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About Limiting Transactions entry by Activity type

You can control what types of transaction entries are allowed on projects or phases. Review the list below to find out how selecting each option restricts the project and phase list.

Labor Rules

Selecting the Available for labor entry option makes the project/phase available in:

  • Manage > Time & Expense > Time tabs
  • Manage > Timesheets
  • Mobile Time
  • Import Time
  • Schedule Manager
  • Labor Resources on the Manage tab in PCC
  • Overhead Groups
  • Available when moving Labor transactions in Client Invoices

Expense & Consultant rules

Selecting the Available for expense/consultant entry option makes the project/phase available in:

  • Expense Reports
  • Mobile Expenses
  • Expense & Consultant Resources on the Manage tab in PCC
  • Vendor Invoices
  • In-house Expenses
  • Credit Card Import Setup
  • Purchase Orders
  • Import Expenses
  • Available when moving Expense & Consultant transactions in Client Invoices




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