Vendor Invoice Register report

Use this report to view vendor invoice information (such as the date to pay, amount invoiced, amount written off, amount paid, and balance due) by vendor or vendor type.

You can drill down to view invoice detail. You can drill down further on an invoice to view information:

  • By cost account and department for a nonproject invoice
  • By project, phase, and activity for a project-related invoice



Producing the report

From the > Reports menu, click Vendor > Vendor Check Register.

Report options

Option Description


Multi-company only. The report contains information for all companies in your organization, unless you select a specific company in this field.


The report contains invoices for all vendors unless you select a specific vendor in this field.


The report contains invoices for all projects unless you select a specific project in this field.

Date Range

The report contains information for today's date unless you select a different time period in this field.

After changing report options, click (Refresh). 

Customize options

Option Description

Report title

You can change the title of the report.

Sort order

Sorts the report by vendor or vendor type

Date type

Include information in the report based on either the invoice date or accounting date

Use drilldown

If selected, you can drill down to further detail on the report. If cleared, invoice information prints on the report, and you then drill down to invoice detail. 

Print customize options on report

If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select.

Report contents

Column Description


The vendor and invoice number

Invoice Description

The description of the invoice

Accounting Date

The accounting date, which Ajera uses to determine the period when an invoice appears on financial statements

Invoice Date

The date of the invoice

Date to Pay

The date to pay the invoice


The total amount invoiced by the vendor for the reporting period


The amount invoiced by the vendor that was written off

Prior Payments

Any previous payments you already made for the invoiced amount for the reporting period

Payable Balance

The current amount due to the vendor for the invoiced amount

The payable balance equals the invoiced amount less write-offs and prior payments for the reporting period.

Drill down on a nonproject invoice to detail by cost account and department:


The financial account impacted by the invoice


The department in your company associated with the invoice

Cost amount

The cost pertaining to the account and department

Amount to write-off

The amount of write-offs pertaining to the account and department


The amount of previous payments pertaining to the account and department

Payable Balance

The current amount due on the invoice for the account and department

Drill down on a project-related invoice to detail by project, phase, and activity:


The project, phase, and activity associated with the invoice


The department in your company associated with the project/phase/activity combination

The number of units associated with the project/phase/activity combination

Cost rate

The cost rate applied to any units associated with the project/phase/activity combination

Cost amount

The cost associated with the project/phase/activity combination

Amount to write-off

The amount of write-offs pertaining to the project/phase/activity combination


Previous payments pertaining to the invoice for the project/phase/activity combination as of the reporting date

Payable Balance

The amount due on the invoice for the project/phase/activity combination as of the reporting date