Updating a BD project

Track and update your Business Development (BD) efforts by updating information for each of its stages.

To update a BD project

  1. From the > Manage menu, click Project Command Center. Click the project in the list at the top of the window. 
  2. Click these tabs: Project Info > Business Development > Stages.

About the buttons:

To see any long names for marketing stages, click the Long Description button. If your firm changes or adds marketing stages, and you want to reflect those changes in your list of stages for this project, click the Refresh button.

  1. When the status of a stage changes, click the stage and make a selection. For example, you begin writing the proposal, so you change the status of the Proposal stage from Not Started to In Progress.

You can assign only one stage a status of In Progress at a time.

  1. Change due dates, start dates, and completion dates for stages, as needed.
  2. When the outcome of the BD project is decided, for the Final Disposition stage in the table, select a status of Won, Lost, or Declined.
  3. In the Final Disposition field below the table, select the reason that you won, lost, or declined the project.
  4. Do one of the following:
If you Do this

Won the project

  1. To begin working on and billing the project, click the project in the project tree. On the General subtab, change the status of the project from Preliminary to Active.
  2. Leave the status of the BD phase as Marketing now and even after you complete all project work and close the project. In this way, Ajera includes it in reports and inquiries that you use to analyze your past, current, and future BD efforts.

To see the status of the phase, click the phase in the project tree, and its status appears in the Status field on the General subtab.

Lost or declined the project

  1. In the Awarded To field, select the firm that won the project.  
  2. Click the project in the project tree. On the General subtab, change the status of the project to Closed.
  3. Leave the status of the BD phase as Marketing. In this way, Ajera includes it in reports and inquiries that you use to analyze your past, current, and future BD efforts.

To see the status of the phase, click the phase in the project tree, and its status appears in the Status field on the General subtab.

  1. Click Save.