You are here: Ajera Help (A-Z) > projects > consultant management > Turning on consultant budgets

Turning on consultant budgets

unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Consultant Management add-on

To turn on consultant budgets

  1. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Preferences.
  1. Click the Project tab.
  2. In the Consultant Budgets field, select one of the following:
Select To

Warn if over invoiced

Track consultant budgets. Ajera displays a warning message if you enter costs for the consultant that exceed the remaining amount of the budget item.

Don't allow over invoicing

Track consultant budgets. Ajera does not allow you to enter costs for the consultant that exceed the remaining amount of the budget item.

Warn if over invoiced - commitment # required

Track only consultant budgets that have a commitment # on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center. Ajera displays a warning message if you enter costs for the consultant that exceed the remaining amount of the budget item.

Don't allow over invoicing - commitment # required

Track only consultant budgets that have a commitment # on the Manage tab of the Project Command Center. Ajera does not allow you to enter costs for the consultant that exceed the remaining amount of the budget item.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Click Close.



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