Setting up security for Business Development

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Follow these instructions if you are already using Ajera and now want to set up security for only Business Development. Otherwise, set up security for Business Development as you set up roles.

To set up security for Business Development

  1. You set access to Business Development for employees through roles. Decide which roles you want to allow access to Business Development. As with all security, the Administrator has complete access.
  2. From the > Setup menu, click Company > Roles.
  3. Click the security group you want to set up for business development, and click Edit.
  4. Click the Setup tab, and do the following, as needed:
  • To allow members to create and change marketing stages, select the Marketing stages check box.
  • To allow members to create and change final marketing dispositions, select the Marketing final dispositions check box.
  1. Click the Projects tab, where you allow access to the Project Command Center, and to its various tabs and fields.
  • Click the Project Info subtab. In the table, review and change the settings for the Business Development subtab, as needed.
  • Review and change other settings in the same way that you set up project security for other project information.
  1. To allow access to a Business Development report, click the Reports tab, and select the Allow check box to the right of the report name.
  • BD Progress
  • Win Rate
  1. To allow access to a Business Development inquiry, click the Inquiries tab, which includes these inquiries in the list:
  • BD Phase
  • Marketing Stage

For each inquiry, do one of the following:

  • Select the Show on Menu check box to allow group members to see the inquiry on the Inquiry menu and access the inquiry from links in other inquiries.
  • Select the Allow check box if you only want to allow access to the inquiry from links in other inquiries.
  • Clear both check boxes if you do not want to allow access to the inquiry.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Set up Business Development security for other roles in the same way.