Repeating column or row headings in the statement

Follow these instructions as part of designing a financial statement.

You can repeat one set of column headings and one set of row headings per financial statement. The column headings appear at the top of each printed page, and the row headings appear on the left side of each page.

Repeat these instructions for other financial statements in the workbook, as needed.

To repeat column or row headings in a statement

  1. Open the statement, if needed.
  2. On the Design tab, select the columns or row that you want to repeat.
  3. Click the Repeat button on the Financial Statement Designer toolbar. The columns or rows are shaded blue to indicate that they will repeat in the printed statement. When you scroll through the design, the blue-shaded columns or rows remain in place.
  4. If you do not want them to repeat, select the blue-shaded columns or rows on the Design tab and click the Repeat button again. The shading is removed.