Ordering checks

When you print checks with Ajera, you print your checks on preprinted check stock. You cannot print checks on blank paper or blank check stock because then the check will not contain the MICR encoding needed for financial institutions to process the check.

You can order preprinted check stock from one of the recommended vendors listed below. When you order from these vendors, you can specifically request check stock that will work with Ajera, and any custom formatting you may require. The vendor will then fill your order by sending you preprinted checks that include the MICR number already printed on every check.

You can learn about your options for ordering preprinted checks by contacting Nelco or CFI.

If you need to print a sample check, log in to sample data and pay a vendor invoice. Be sure to print to the printer that you use to print checks.



  1. Click Shop in the top left corner.
  2. In the Business Check category, select Preprinted Middle Checks.
  3. In the Compatible Software section on the left, enter Ajera in the Quick Search field or select Ajera (Deltek) from the list.

CFI (Computer Forms Incorporated)


  • Click Checks on the left of the webpage, and click Axium - Ajera.