Manage Recurring Vendor Invoices window

Field Description

Create invoices for

The date or time period of the recurring invoices you want to create

To choose a different month or range of dates, click Select Dates and then enter the beginning and ending dates in the fields that appear to the right.

Vendor (above table)

You can select to display recurring invoices for one vendor. To display recurring invoices for all vendors, click the All Vendors button.

Vendor (in table)

The name of the vendor

You cannot change the vendor on an existing invoice.

Invoice number

The invoice number or ID

Invoice date

The invoice date


A description of the invoice


Multi-company only. The payer of the invoice

You cannot change the payer on an existing invoice.


The total amount of the invoice

You cannot change the amount on an existing invoice.

Optional columns:

Accounting date

The accounting date for the invoice

Date to pay

The date to pay the invoice, based on options you selected for the vendor in Setup > Vendors


If, for this month (or other time period you selected), you want to automatically pay the invoice as well as create it, select the Autopay check box for the invoice. Ajera uses the invoice date as the payment date.

Clear the check box for any invoice you want to review in Manage > Vendor Invoices or Manage > Vendor Payments before paying it.

Bank account

If you select the autopay check box, this field appears for selecting a bank account or credit card. For a bank account, Ajera creates the bank entry as an EFT payment, and for a credit card, it creates it as a vendor invoice. 

Last invoiced

View only - It shows the last time the invoice was created.


Any notes about the invoice

Transactions (appearing when you click the plus sign for an invoice):


The amount of the transaction


Multi-company only. The company that incurred the cost of the transaction


The account associated with the transaction


unavailable in ajeraCore unless you have the Departments add-on

The department associated with the transaction


Any notes about a transaction