Importing a custom invoice format

If your firm is using only one database, custom invoice formats that other employees create automatically appear in the Invoice Format List window if your security settings allow you access to them.

You need to import a custom invoice format only when another person (such as your consultant) creates the custom invoice format in a different database and then exports it for your use.

To import a custom invoice format

  1. Copy the file to a folder where you can easily access it.
  2. From the > Setup menu, click General > Invoice Formats.
  3. Click the Import button.
  4. Browse to the location where the custom invoice format is stored, and select it.
  5. In the Import Option field, select to add it as a new invoice format or to replace an existing invoice format. If you select to replace an existing invoice format, then make a selection in the Invoice Format to Replace field.
  6. Click OK. The custom invoice format appears on the Invoice Format List window and is available for your use.