Billing Review History inquiry

unavailable in ajeraCore

Use this inquiry to keep track of your client invoices while they proceed through your firm's billing review process.

You can immediately see client invoice name, project ID and description, client, billing review stage, notes, and date of the review.

If needed, you can add predefined columns and view supplemental information such as invoice number, invoice date, and invoice status. You can also view the people associated with the client invoice - such as the project manager - and the due date for the review.  

Using the inquiry

From the > Reports menu, click Standard Inquiries > Client > Billing Review History.


Accounting staff

Project managers

Standard columns


Links to this inquiry


Date range available

Client Invoice

Client Invoice

The name associated with the client invoice; usually the project name


Project ID & Description


The ID and description of the project associated with the client invoice




The name of the client associated with the invoice

Billing Review Stage  

The current billing review stage of the client invoice

Examples: Pre-review, Final

Notes   Any notes from the current billing review stage  
Added Date   The date of the invoice review x

Predefined columns

You can add predefined columns to this inquiry. Many columns are available, organized in these categories:


Links to this inquiry


Date range available

Invoice info:

Client Invoice Key

Client Invoice

The database identifier of the client invoice

Invoice Number   The ID of the client invoice  
Invoice Date   The date the invoice was created x
Invoice Status  

Determines if the invoice is billed to the client

Examples: Approved, Draft, Final, Hold, Reissue, Writeoff


Project info:

Project Key


The database identifier of the project associated with the client invoice


Project ID


The ID of the project associated with the client invoice


Project Description


The name of the project associated with the client invoice


Client Key


The database identifier of the client associated with the invoice  


Project Manager Key


The database identifier of the project manager associated with the client invoice

Project Manager Employee The project manager associated with the client invoice  

Billing Manager Key


The database identifier of the billing manager associated with the client invoice  

Billing Manager


The billing manager associated with the client invoice


Principal Key


The database identifier of the principal associated with the client invoice



Employee The principal associated with the client invoice  

Contact Key

Contact The database identifier of the contact associated with the review  


Contact The name of the contact associated with the review  

Billing review stage:

Due Date

  The date when the review should be completed x

Added By

Employee The name of the reviewer  

Modified By

Employee The name of the person who made the last change to the review  

Modified Date

  The date when the last change to the review was made x