Risk Register Field Descriptions

Use the Risk Register view to create and edit risk events.

Risk Register Grid

Field/Option Description
Enabled Select this option to enable the risk event. If it is not selected, then this risk is not taken into account for the activities to which it is mapped.
Absolute Select this option to specify that you want the total risk to be allocated to each activity. If you map a risk event to a parent activity and use absolute mapping, the total impact of the risk event gets allocated to each child activity.
ID The risk event ID. You can edit this field.
Type This column displays the type of risk:
  • A Threat is an element that would cause trouble for the project.
  • An Opportunity is an element that the project could exploit to its advantage.
  • A Calendar Event is a discrete event during a specific period(s) of time.
  • A Risk Window is a period of time which could cause delay.
Name The name of the risk event. You can edit this field.
Current This area displays the current settings for the risk event.
  • Probability is the chance of the risk happening.
  • Schedule is the direct impact on the activity/schedule.
  • Cost is the direct cost impact on the activity/cost estimate in question.
  • Score displays the score based on the settings in the Risk Matrix and your selections in the Probability, Schedule, and Cost columns.

You can use the Risk Matrix dialog box (Templates > Risk Matrix) to add custom impact types. These are added as columns in the Current and Mitigated sections of the Risk Register. They are not included in the risk analysis calculations; however, adding them here allows you to keep all risk impacts in a single location and to report on them. When you export the risk register to Excel, the custom risk impacts are included in the export. Similarly, when you import a risk register from Excel, any custom risk impacts that are in the spreadsheet are included in the import.

Mitigation This area displays the mitigation steps risk event data.
  • Enabled enables or disables all mitigation steps.
  • Description allows you to enter a summary description of the mitigation.
  • Duration displays the total duration for all enabled mitigation steps.
  • Cost displays the total cost for all enabled mitigation steps.
Mitigated This area displays what the adjusted risk event data would be after mitigating the risk event using the enabled mitigation steps. The same columns that are in the Current area display here.
Custom Fields This area displays the custom fields that you can add to the Risk Register using the Event Template Editor.

Risk Register Tabs

Field/Option Description
Details Tab This tab includes information about the selected risk event.
  • ID displays the ID of the selected risk event. You can edit it if needed.
  • Name displays the name of the selected risk event. You can edit it if needed.
  • Threat / Opportunity / Calendar Event / Risk Window are risk event types. You can change the selection for the selected risk event by clicking on a different radio button.
Mappings Tab This tab lists the activities to which the currently selected risk event is mapped.
Mitigation Steps Tab Use this tab to add mitigation steps to the selected risk event.
  • Enabled includes the mitigation step in the risk analysis. This setting is automatically enabled when you add a new step.
  • Step displays the step number.
  • Description displays the step description.
  • Duration displays the mitigation duration and is an optional field. It will only be included in the risk analysis if you include overhead when you run the mitigation analysis.
  • Cost displays the mitigation cost and is an optional field. It will only be included in the risk analysis if you include overhead when you run the mitigation analysis.
  • Probability is the risk probability; the chance of the risk happening.
  • Schedule determines the direct impact on the activity/schedule.
  • Cost determines the direct cost impact on the activity/cost estimate in question.
  • Score displays the score based on the settings in the Risk Matrix and your selections in the Probability, Schedule, and Cost columns.