Cobra Cost Tab of the Activity Details Pane

This tab displays the current, cumulative, and previous cumulative values (in currency and hours) for the selected control account/work package.

Note: This tab does not display until you import cost data from a Cobra file (Get External Data From > Cost Data) and you select a control account or work package in the Activities grid.
Field/Option Description
Current Currency This group displays the current Actual, Earned, and Budget currency for the control account/work package for the current period.
Cumulative Currency This group displays the cumulative Actual, Earned, Budget, BAC, and EAC currency for the control account/work package for the entire life of the project.
Previous Currency

This group displays the previous cumulative Actual, Earned, Budget, BAC, and EAC values, copied over from the previous snapshot or project. It only displays when you have imported previous data.

For example, if you import data from the SHIP project, no previous data displays because there is no previous version. If you then create and view SHIP Snapshot 1, this grid displays the cumulative values from the SHIP project. If you next create and view SHIP snapshot 2, this grid displays the cumulative values from SHIP Snapshot 1.

Current Hours This group displays the current Actual, Earned, and Budget hours for the control account/work package for the current period.
Cumulative Hours This group displays the cumulative Actual, Earned, Budget, BAC, and EAC hours for the control account/work package for the entire life of the project.