Variable Definition Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to define Fuse Analysis variables.

Duration Upper Limit

Field Description
Please select the value that defines Duration Upper Limit Use the drop-down menu to select the field that defines the duration upper limit.

Float Upper Limit

Field Description
Please select the value that defines Float Upper Limit Use the drop-down menu to select the field that defines the float upper limit.

EV Method

Field Description
Please select the field that defines EV Method Use the drop-down menu to select the field that defines the EV method.
Please select the value for EV Method that defines LOE Value Use the drop-down menu to select the value for the EV method that defines the LOE value. The available values depend on the selection in the above field.

Rolling Wave

Field Description
Please select the field that defines Rolling Wave Use the drop-down menu to select the field that defines rolling wave.
Please select the value for Rolling Wave that defines Planning Package Use the drop-down menu to select the value for the rolling wave that defines the the planning package. The available values depend on the selection in the above field.