The Activity Browser Display

The area where you click in the S2 // Diagnostics tab pane determines the activities that display in the Activity Browser.

Activities Irrespective of Tripwire Threshold

Action Analysis View Activity Browser Results
Click on a ribbon description. The Activity Browser displays all activities for the selected ribbon.
Click on a Phase header. The Activity Browser displays all activities for the selected phase.
Click on a ribbon/phase intersection. The Activity Browser displays all activities for the selected intersection.

Activities That Trigger a Given Tripwire Threshold

Action Analysis View Activity Browser Results
Click on an intersection metric. The Activity Browser displays the activities for the selected intersection that triggered the tripwire.
Click on a ribbon analyzer cell. The Activity Browser displays the activities for the selected ribbon that triggered the tripwire.
Click on a phase analyzer cell. The Activity Browser displays the activities for the selected phase across all ribbons that triggered the tripwire.

Activity Browser Modes

The Activity Browser can display activities in tabular, heat map, Gantt chart, scorecard, or detailed format.