Compare Risk Driver Results and Analyze Risk Mitigation Benefits

Compare multiple cost/schedule risk driver result sets on the same chart.

To compare risk driver results and analyze risk mitigation benefits, complete the following steps:

  1. On the S3 // Risk Tab, select a project.
  2. Click Views > Risk Panel > Risk Drivers.
  3. In the Analysis group, click the Run Risk Analysis down arrow and select Uncertainty and Risk Events (No Mitigation).
  4. In the Analysis group, click Run Risk Analysis.
  5. After the results display in the tornado chart, in the Risk Drivers group, click Add to Comparison.
  6. Repeat steps 1 - 5 as many times as needed, changing the mitigation option in step 3 as needed.
  7. In the Views group, click Right Panel > Risk Driver Comparison. The Risk Driver Comparison chart displays.
  8. (Optional) Click Import/Publish > Copy to Clipboard > Risk Driver Comparison, then select Copy to Clipboard (just the graph) or Copy Table to Clipboard (just the table) to copy the results, which you can then paste into another application such as MS Excel.