Hierarchical Codes

By default, activities are grouped by WBS. For Primavera, Open Plan, and MSP projects, Acumen allows you to import and report on multiple hierarchical codes.

This allows you to group data in different ways and is useful when mapping uncertainty and risks, analyzing data, and for reporting. Because Acumen stores mappings at the detailed task level, you don't have to re-analyze the data each time you group by a different hierarchical code.

For example, you may want to add the risk of a hurricane striking the Gulf coast. You can group by location and then add the hurricane risk event to the entire Gulf coast company location instead of having to find and map the risk to each affected activity individually. When you map uncertainty, you can group by OBS and adjust duration uncertainty at the department level.

After you run Risk Analysis, you can use the hierarchy groups to look at the data from different perspectives without re-analyzing. For example, if you group by OBS and run Risk Analysis, the data that displays is grouped by OBS. If you then group by Location and click on a location, the data changes to display by location. You can then switch from the Risk Exposure histogram to the Risk Drivers tornado chart to see the drivers, grouped by whichever hierarchical code you selected, that are impacting the schedule.

On the S2 // Diagnostics tab, you can use the hierarchy codes to create and analyze ribbons based on the hierarchical structure. For example, you can select a Responsibility hierarchy code and display ribbons by responsibility.

You can group by hierarchy codes in the following locations:

  • On the S1 // Projects tab, in the Activities group, click Activity View > Grouping > Group by Hierarchy.
  • On the S2 // Diagnostics tab, in the Ribbons group, click Hierarchy > Hierarchical Structures.
  • On the S3 // Risks tab, in the Activities group, click Activity View > Grouping > Group by Hierarchy

If there is an activity that doesn't have an assigned value for the selected hierarchy code field, it displays as {Empty} in the Activity view.

Note: Hierarchies are not exported when you export scenarios.