External Data Sources

Acumen integrates with multiple schedule planning programs, risk analysis programs, cost analysis programs, and MS Excel.

By integrating with multiple programs, Acumen can minimize the issues that arise when projects or programs have multiple planning platforms in use.

Linking to External Data

After you have created a new workbook, you can link to external data sources using the Get External Data From group on the S1 // Projects tab.

You create links and mappings between your workbook and one or more data sources in order to determine the project data source. Linking is the precursor step to importing the data.

A workbook can have an unlimited number of links to external sources. After an external source is linked, default field mappings are applied between the source data and the Acumen workbook. These mappings are fully configurable.

Importing Data

After you link to the external data source, the next step is to import the data. Prior to importing, you may want to filter the project data.