Deltek Acumen Options General Tab

Use this tab to perform such tasks as check for product updates, set default orders, set field mapping options, install add-ins, and so on.


These options are not available when you install Acumen using the offline installer. You can instead log into Deltek Software Manager to check for updates.

Field Description
Automatically check for updates when Deltek Acumen starts

Select this option if you want Acumen to check for updates every time that you open it. If there are updates, Acumen asks if you want to install them. If you click Yes, the updates are installed. After the update completes, you must close and reopen Acumen. If you click No, the message closes and you can start working in Acumen.

If you use the offline installer to install Acumen then this option is not available. You can log into Deltek Software Manager to manually check for updates.

Get the latest updates available for Deltek Acumen

Click Check for Updates if you want Acumen to check for updates immediately. If there are updates, Acumen asks if you want to install them. If you click Yes, the updates are installed. After the update completes, you must close and reopen Acumen. If you click No, the message closes and you can continue working in Acumen. If you do not have the option to automatically check for updates selected, then you should use this option periodically to check for updates.

If you use the offline installer to install Acumen then this option is not available. You can log into Deltek Software Manager to manually check for updates.

Folders, Libraries, and Templates

Field Description
Use Built-In Metric Library Select this option if you want to use the standard metric library. Clear it if you want to use a custom metric library as the default library for each newly created workbook.
Default Metric Library Location Specify the default metric library folder location.
Use Build-In Script Library Select this option if you want to use the standard script library. Clear it if you want to use a custom script library as the default library for each newly created workbook.
Default Script Library Location Specify the default script library folder location.
Use Build-In Executive Briefing Template Select this option if you want to use the standard Executive Briefing template. Clear it if you want to use a custom template.
Default Executive Briefing Template Location Specify the default Executive Briefing template folder location.
Default Workbook Folder Specify the default workbook folder location. This is the folder that initially displays when you open or save a workbook.
Api Configuration File Select the API configuration file that you want to use.

File Mapping

Field Description
Automatically Map Code Fields to Projects When this option is selected and you add a project to a workbook, then every code field in the source project will be mapped into the Acumen workbook. Essentially it automates the Map All Code Fields for this Project option on the Fields tab every time you add a project.
Automatically Map User Defined Fields to Projects When this option is selected and you add a project to a workbook, then every user-defined field in the source project will be mapped into the Acumen workbook.


Field Description
Deltek Acumen Toolbar for Microsoft Project Click Install to install the Microsoft Project toolbar. This option is only available when you have Microsoft Project installed on your computer.