Comparison Analysis

Use the Comparison Analyzer to compare similarities and differences between two scenarios.

The scenarios that get compared can originate from multiple origins as well as report in different contexts.

The Comparison Analyzer allows you to:
  • Compare the same metric across two different ribbons.
  • Compare the same metric across two different time periods within either the same ribbon or between different ribbons.
  • Compare two different metrics within the same ribbon or phase.
  • Compare similarities, that is, report activities that haven't changed between two scenarios.
  • Compare differences, that is, report activities that have changed between the two scenarios.

Applying Filters to the Results

You can apply three filters in the Comparison Analyzer results window. This enables you to do further analysis comparing similarities and differences within the two scenarios.

By default, all three filters are enabled resulting in three sets of data. The filters are cumulative and not exclusive.
  • Present in both — Displays only those activities that are present in both scenarios. In the case of comparing two scenarios against the same metric, this indicates those activities that trigger a metric tripwire in both instances; that is, activities that have not changed between the two scenarios.

  • Only present in <Scenario A> — Displays those activities that are present in the first scenario but not in the second. In the case of comparing two scenarios against the same metric, this reports those activities that triggered the metric tripwire in the first scenario but not in the second. Typically, this is used to show those activities that were an issue in Scenario A that then got addressed and fixed in Scenario B.
  • Only present in <Scenario B> — Displays those activities that are present in the second scenario but not in the first. In the case of comparing two scenarios against the same metric, this reports those activities that triggered the metric tripwire in the second scenario but not in the first. Typically, this is used to show those activities that weren't an issue in Scenario A that then became an issue in Scenario B.