Enable Kona Risk in Acumen

Manually enable Kona Risk in Acumen.

When you purchase a Kona Risk license, Acumen should automatically be set up to publish a risk register to Kona Risk. If the Publish Risk Register to Kona Risk icon on the S3 // Risk tab is grayed out, you may need to enable Kona Risk manually.

To enable Kona Risk in Acumen, complete the following steps:

  1. In Acumen, click
  2. On the bottom of the pane, click Deltek Acumen Options.
  3. On the Platforms tab, in the Kona by Deltek group, complete the following fields (this set of fields is known as the Kona Business Token):
    • Redirect URL
    • Client ID
    • Client Secret
  4. Click OK to save the information and close the dialog box.