Use this screen to specify default inventory abbreviations for a given parent part/inventory abbreviation combination. You can load a multi-level Bills of Material (BOM) at one time, but pegging will be done at the parent/child level.
Use this to tie assembly BOMs to default inventory abbreviations.
You can also access this screen in Material Requirements Planning.
Enter, or use to select, the ID of the assembly or parent part whose BOM is to be viewed. A description of the part selected displays in the unlabeled field below this field.
Enter the revision of the assembly or parent part whose BOM is to be viewed.
Enter the top assembly's build inventory abbreviation.
Use the options in this group box to choose whether to load the first-level components of the assembly, the entire assembly BOM through all the levels, or an indented assembly BOM through a specified number of levels.
Select this option to load only the first-level components of this assembly. This is the system default.
Select this option to load the entire assembly BOM through all the levels.
Select this option to load the BOM through a specified number of levels, entered in the adjacent field.
Use the options in this group box to view the BOM for all configurations, for a specific configuration, or for a specific date.
Select this check box to see the components for all configurations/effective dates of the parent part. This option is available only if you have selected the Single-Level option in the BOM Levels group box. If this check box is unchecked, the display will be based on the As of Date and the Config ID.
Enter the BOM component effective date. The system will load only those lines with effective starting and ending dates corresponding to the as-of date. If the Effective Ending Date field is blank, all lines will load. This field is disabled if you selected the Show All Configs check box.
Enter, or use to select, the BOM configuration ID for selective component viewing. This field is active if you selected the Use Configuration IDs check box in the BOM Corporate Settings block on the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen in Costpoint Bills of Material Controls; it will be disabled if you selected the Show All Configurations check box on this screen.
If you enter a configuration ID, the display depends on whether that configuration ID appears on a given component line. If a line exists with the entered configuration ID, that line displays. If no line exists with the entered configuration ID, but there is a line without a configuration ID, the line without a configuration ID displays. If a line cannot be found that contains either the entered configuration ID or an empty configuration ID field, no line displays.
Enter the default make part's build inventory abbreviation to load.
Enter the default buy part's build inventory abbreviation to load.
Enter the default common stock part's build inventory abbreviation to load.
Click this button to load the BOM of the assembly with the default inventory abbreviations.
This field displays the BOM level of the component part.
This field displays the line number identifying the specific BOM component line.
This field displays the drawing find number used for this BOM component line.
This field displays the component part ID.
This field displays the revision ID of the component part.
This field displays the component part description.
This field displays Make or Buy depending on whether or not the component is a make or buy part.
This field displays the default make or buy part inventory abbreviation as entered in the Assembly group box, but it can be modified if necessary.
This field displays the project ID associated with the entered inventory abbreviation.
This field displays the project name.
This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not the selected project is a common inventory project.
This field displays the inventory abbreviation name.
This field displays the component type code. Valid values are:
Buy with components
This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not the component is a common stock part.
This field displays the component quantity type code. Valid values are:
Per Assembly
As Required
Per Order
This field displays the quantity required of the BOM component part.
This field displays the inventory unit of measure of the component part.
This field displays the configuration ID of the BOM component part.
This field displays the configuration description.
This field displays the starting effective date for this component part.
This field displays the ending effective date for this component part.
This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) depending on whether or not the component has been released.