Use this subtask to view specifics about other work centers that can be used in place of the selected work center.
This field displays the part ID associated with the selected operation.
This field displays the revision of the part.
This field displays the routing number for the selected part.
This field displays the operation sequence number of the line being viewed.
This field displays the step number of the operation sequence line being viewed.
This field displays the alternate number of the operation sequence line being viewed.
This field displays the operation ID of the line being viewed.
This field displays the work center ID of the operation sequence line being viewed.
This field displays the sequence number assigned to the alternate work center.
This field displays the ID of the alternate work center.
This field displays the name of the alternate work center.
This field displays the work center type description associated with the alternate work center.
This field displays the process type description associated with the alternate work center.