Use this subtask to view information about vendor returns against the purchase order line.


This field displays the purchase order ID.


This field displays the release number if the order is for a release of a blanket order.


This field displays the status of the order.


This field indicates the type of order. The system-defined types are:

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency.


This field displays the line number of the order.


This field displays the item ID for this order line.


This field displays the revision and description of the item.


This field displays the status of the order line.


This field displays the order line description.

Table Window


This column displays the warehouse ID.

Vendor Return

This column displays the vendor return ID.

Return Date

This column displays the vendor return date.

Return Quantity

This column displays the quantity being returned.


This column displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether this return is considered a rejection.

Rejection Reason

This column displays the code identifying the reason for rejection.

Rejection O/P Disposition

This column displays the rejection disposition code.

RMA Number

This column displays the return material authorization number.

New PO

This column displays the new purchase order ID generated.

New PO Release

This column displays the new purchase order release number generated.

New PO Line

This column displays the new purchase order line number generated.

Entry User

This column displays the user ID of the person who entered the vendor return.

Entry Date/Time

This column displays the date and time the vendor return was entered.