This screen displays shipping addresses that have been established for a particular vendor or branch location. You can view and/or delete the shipping addresses from Costpoint on this screen.

Use this screen whenever you want to view or delete vendor and branch location shipping addresses.

When you open the screen, you can enter a search criteria to locate specific Ship IDs.


Ship ID

This field displays the Ship ID.

Establish Ship ID information on the Manage Branch Locations screen, the Manage Vendors screen, the Manage Customers screen and the Manage Warehouses. Whenever you establish or modify ship ID information in any of these four applications, the information is stored on this screen.

Ship ID Description

This field displays the corresponding description for the ship ID.


This check box indicates if the Ship ID is active.

Sales Tax/VAT Tax Code

This field displays the sales or value added tax code and description for the ship ID.

Sales Tax/VAT Code Description

This field displays the associated description for the Sales Tax/VAT Tax Code.


The source code identifies "where" you established the shipping address. This code might be specific to the branch location, customer, vendor, or warehouse.

Source ID

This field may display a vendor ID, branch location ID, customer ID, or warehouse ID, contingent upon the data in the Source field.

Ship Name

This field displays the customer name, branch location name, vendor name or warehouse name.

Ship Name Extension

This field displays the ship name extension.

Address Code

This field displays the address code.

Address Line 1

This field displays the first line of the shipping address.

Address Line 2

This field displays the second line of the shipping address, if applicable.

Address Line 3

This field displays the third line of the shipping address, if applicable.


This field displays the city.


This field displays the state or province.

Postal Code

This field displays the postal code.


This field displays the country.