Use this subtask to view exchange rate information.

Transaction Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for this blanket purchase order (PO). This is the currency that your vendor will use on the invoice.

Rate Group

This field displays the rate group used for this blanket purchase order.

Transaction Currency to Functional Currency Exchange Rate Info

Rate Date

The rate date for the selected Blanket PO displays in this field. This rate date was selected and saved in the Exchange Rates subtask on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.


The rate for this Blanket PO displays in this field. This rate was selected and saved in the Exchange Rates subtask on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Trans to Func or Trans to Euro

For those transactions that involve Euro currencies, this field is labeled as Trans to Euro and displays the rate for the transaction to Euro currency. This field displays as Trans to Func if non-Euro currencies are being exchanged. This rate was selected and saved in the Exchange Rates subtask on the Manage Purchase Orders screen. screen.

N/A or Euro to Func

For those transactions that involve Euro currencies, this field is labeled as Euro to Func and displays the rate for the Euro to functional currency. This field displays as N/A if non-Euro currencies are being exchanged. This rate was selected and saved in the Exchange Rates subtask on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.

Freeze Rate

This check box displays the selection made in the Exchange Rates subtask on the Manage Purchase Orders screen.