Use this new screen for suppliers to view and/or update information regarding their purchase orders.

Supplier will access the portal via a CP login screen, similar to that for regular Costpoint users.

Note that users do not have to have Costpoint installed.

Upon successful login, users will be taken to this dashboard screen that has pre-defined query results, pertinent to suppliers.

From the dashboard, suppliers can use the hyperlink to go to the particular PO/line/delivery schedule line, and take the necessary action.  For example, they can acknowledge the PO line, meaning they agree to the quantity, due date and other terms that the Buyer (sending the PO) has provided.  Such actions will be saved in a log, for future reference, so we can trace the history of actions and associated notes.

Users can also add notes via this portal, as a communication tool between the supplier and buyer.  Such notes will also be saved for future reference.

The information on each dashpart will be based on purchase orders with a Vendor ID that matches the vendor ID on the company that the user is logged into.

Retrieve W_USER_COMPANY.VEND_ID from row with matching user and logged in company (W_USER_COMPANY.USER_ID & W_USER_COMPANY.COMPANY_ID).