Use this subtask to enter cost information for individual services.

Use this subtask after initializing services and maintain it whenever you need to make additions or changes to a service's cost.

Cost Type

Use the drop-down list to choose the cost type for the service. Choose from the following options:

You can make modifications to reference cost for a service at any time, but you can make modifications to standard cost only if the standard cost method is not in use, or if the standard cost method is in use but no inventory quantities exist for this service.

Effective Start Date

Enter, or click to select, the starting date of the cost row validity. For new rows with Cost type of Standard or Reference, initial value is the current date, otherwise this is blank.

Effective End Date

Enter, or click to select, the ending date of the cost row validity.

For more information on rules affecting effective start and end date in Standard Costing, see Rules Affecting Effective Start and End Date for Standard Costing.

Material Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of material for this service.

Material Burden Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of material burden for this service. Material burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses for materials.

Labor Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of labor for this service.

Labor Burden Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of labor burden for this service. Labor burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses for labor purposes.

Subcontract Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of subcontracted services for this service.

Subcontract Burden Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of subcontract burden for this service. Subcontract burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses for subcontract purposes.

Misc 1 Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of the first miscellaneous expense for this service.

Misc 1 Burden Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of the first miscellaneous burden for this service. A miscellaneous burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses for purposes not covered under the material, labor, or subcontract categories.

Misc 2 Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of the second miscellaneous expense for this service.

Misc 2 Burden Cost Amt

Enter the cost per unit amount of the second miscellaneous burden for this service. A miscellaneous burden is the cost added to cover overhead expenses for purposes not covered under the material, labor, or subcontract categories.

Cumulative Total Amt

This field displays the cumulative cost per unit total. This total is the sum calculated by adding all costs entered in the preceding fields.

Set This-Level Costs Equal to Total Costs

Select this check box to have the current level costs be equal to their total item costs.

This Level Material Amt

Enter the material cost of the current service, excluding additional material costs.

This Level Matl Burden Amt

Enter the material burden cost of the current service, excluding additional material burden costs.

This Level Labor Amt

Enter the labor cost of the current service, excluding additional labor costs.

This Level Lab Burden Amt

Enter the labor burden cost of the current service, excluding additional labor burden costs.

This Level Subcontract Amt

Enter the subcontract cost of the current service, excluding additional subcontract costs.

This Level SC Burden Amt

Enter the subcontract burden cost of the current service, excluding additional subcontract burden costs.

This Level Misc 1 Amt

Enter the first miscellaneous cost of the current service, excluding additional first miscellaneous costs.

This Level Misc 1 Burden Amt

Enter the first miscellaneous burden cost of the current service, excluding additional first miscellaneous burden costs.

This Level Misc 2 Amt

Enter the second miscellaneous cost of the current service, excluding additional second miscellaneous costs.

This Level Misc 2 Burden Amt

Enter the second miscellaneous burden cost of the current service, excluding additional second miscellaneous burden costs.

This Level Total Amt

This field displays the current level total cost of the current service. This total is calculated by adding all current level costs.

Modified By

This field displays the user who made the most recent change to the row.

Modified Date

This field displays the date of the most recent change to the row.