Use this tab to enter miscellaneous reference number and cost information.

Reference Numbers


Ref 1, Ref 2

Enter, or use to select, the reference number from which the relieved part costs are being pulled. These optional fields must contain valid reference numbers from the screens in the Reference Numbers menu in Costpoint General Ledger and are used by Accounting for alternate financial reporting. Data Entry Headings for these fields are defined on the Configure General Ledger Settings screen.


Ref 1, Ref 2

Enter, or use to select, the reference number to which the relieved part costs are being issued. These optional fields must contain valid reference numbers from the Reference Numbers menu in Costpoint General Ledger and are used by Accounting for alternate financial reporting. Data Entry Headings for these fields are defined in the Configure General Ledger Settings screen.


Unit Cost Amt

This field displays the unit cost of the part and cannot be modified. The unit cost of a partial relief depends on the costing method selected in the Partial Relief tab.

Extended Cost Amt

The extended cost of the build part is displayed in this field. This can be modified for Cost-Only Reliefs.