Use this subtask to view Manufacturing Order (MO) completion information for selected lines in the main screen whose SFC Operation flag is Y. The fields in this subtask's table window default with the line's completed quantity and transaction date from the Manage MO Operation Completions screen after the record is saved.


This field displays the manufacturing order ID.


This field displays the warehouse in which the MO is being built.


This field displays the part ID for which the MO was created.


The revision level of the part is displayed in this field.

Build Quantity

This field displays the quantity of the part being built with this MO.

Table Window

Transaction Date

This field displays the date of the MO operation completion transaction.


This field displays the employee ID of the person responsible for completing this operation.

Completed Quantity

This field displays the completed quantity for the selected MO operation completion transaction.

Entry Date/Time

This field displays the date and time on which the MO operation completion transaction was saved in the system.

Entry User

This field displays the ID of the user that saved the MO operation completion transaction in the system.